
Your Premier Source for Accurate Weather Data and Analysis

Leveraging Data4Risk Technology for Precision and Proactivity

Data4Weather integrates advanced technology with a wide range of data sources, including satellite imagery, radar data, weather sensors, and hail pads. Our AI-driven algorithms are meticulously calibrated to provide precise risk assessments tomanage weather-related challenges.

Alerting System
Historical Data and claim management
Custom APIs integration

Key Features

Short-Term Weather Alerts

Stay proactive with our alerting system that provides immediate weather notifications including detailed maps, timely updates, actionable recommendations, and essential contact information—all tailored to your specific needs.

Comprehensive Risk Coverage

Our alerts encompass a range of severe weather conditions, including hail, floods, thunderstorms, ice, snow, heavy rains, winds, and submersions. With D4WeatherHD, we provide hyper-localized alerts right down to specific addresses, ensuring you receive the most relevant and precise information.

Historical Data

Extensive Historical Records

D4Weather offers an exhaustive historical weather database with daily measurements from over 5,000 stations across Europe, spanning the last 50 years. This rich dataset is augmented with both simulated and forecasted weather data.

Advanced Data Analysis

Our data science team employs sophisticated time-series algorithms to generate reliable statistics on the occurrence of weather-related risks, helping you understand trends and prepare for future conditions.

D4Weather Custom APIs

Utilize the D4Weather APIs to enhance your applications and services. Whether you’re building parametric insurance models, pricing insurance products in real time, integrating with cartographic tools, or automating claim verification, our APIs provide the flexibility to meet a broad spectrum of needs.

Empower Your Decisions with D4Weather

Take control of your weather-related risks with D4Weather. Our advanced solutions provide the data and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of the climate, reducing uncertainty and enhancing safety.